If you have been watching our Christian World News which we post most days, you know the world is in turmoil, you know there is destruction. You know that people are already beginning to die in large numbers.
You know that destruction is all around us. Do you see the Great destructions coming upon Rome that are coming upon the US? No. That is because Rome is not Mystery Babylon. It is wicked and evil, but not Mystery Babylon.
You know that certain places are taking large hits. Especially the USA. Disaster could and can befall any of us at any moment. Scripture says only 1/3 of "Men" will be left on the earth when the destruction finishes. 1000's are dying worldwide each day right now. Don't you get it? Repent now and prepare.
The USA is Mystery Babylon. If you think the Father will take care of you if you do not listen to him, you are WRONG.
He said:
King James Bible 1611, Revelation 18:
3 For
all nations haue drunke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the Kings of the earth haue committed fornication with her, &
the Merchants of the earth are waxed rich thorow the abundance of her
4 And
I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her
5 For her sinnes haue reached vnto heauen, and God hath remembred her iniquities.
So, it behooves us to:
A: Leave the USA, Stay away from the Middle East. If you stay, you will be receiving the plagues, because you will be a partaker of her sins. So far, it is fire, flood, destruction. But more is coming. It will not be done until the US is completely and utterly destroyed according to scripture.
B: Prepare (See Part 1 of our Preparations)
C: Have the sense to be away from large population centers
D: Pray earnestly, all of the time.
E. Learn how to identify edible weeds
F. Learn how to do the things in the videos to prepare
G. Do not try to surround yourself with believers. For many will deceive each other. Few have AGAPE love. Unless you know someone who is selfless in heavenly love, it is far better to be alone.
H. Save Bibles in multiple and weird places. Print from our website, download, hide and hide scripture everywhere you can. There is a day coming where few will have the WORD and people will run to and fro the Bible says looking for it. See the signs. Prep Now. Do not Wait.
I. Stay Faithful even unto death. Do not be sad, look up and rejoice in the Glory of the Heavens for they show you signs of our Saviors coming already on a daily basis. Christ will come in the CLOUDS. NO WHERE ELSE-->DO NOT BE DECEIVED.
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