Last Night I had a dream. It woke me at 3 AM. I was in a building, on an upper floor. There were many people. The building began shaking, a great shaking as in an earthquake.
All of the people were looking at the shaking and not changing their position. They watched the walls, the posts, and everything else move.
I began to run and leave, my husband with me.
But, strangly we wanted to go in different directions, each one believing the direction they wanted would lead to safety. I saw what appeared to be light, and an exit, but it was hazy.
Lesson 1: Are you distracted by the signs and shaking so that you are not doing what you need to do to repent, be cleaned and be saved?
Lesson 2: Unless you know when you enter a building where the absolute shortest exit is, you may not know how to leave in the event you need to quickly leave in order to be safe.
Lesson 3: In an emergency, if you are not sure of a direction, you can be fooled by false images.
Lesson 4: You may be deceived if you are not sure of the belief you have. Be sure of what you believe now, so that when the "storm" comes you will know what to do.
Lesson 5: Distractions are all around us. We need to be of one mind in the WORD and not follow the ditractions for they will cause us to fall down. There will be great signs, great wonders, and great distractions. Be not as the heathen are, for they are amazed and dismayed by the signs. Rejoice not for the completion of prophecies and signs. Rather have joy that you can have salvation if you keep the words of the Bible. Have Joy in what you have each day. Give Thanks in all Things. No matter how small they are.
The Signs and Wonders are so that the lost sheep can be possibly saved. The Signs and Wonders are for you to stay focused on the things to come, so that we can be saved, so that not one would be lost.
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