Qué Hora Es /What time is It?

Qué Hora Es /What time is It?

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What Time is It?

Many recent events have shown us the time we are in.   The scripture defines the season that our Lord Jesus would come in to take his chosen into heaven.

This page is dedicated to you learning the signs that are present now in relationship to scripture and what the scripture says this season is.  Many of these things have happened in times past, but not all have happened at the same time- ever.

Therefore shall the land mourne, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beastes of the field, and with the foules of heaven, yea the fishes of the Sea also shall be taken away.
The earth quaketh and the foundations thereof, the sea ariseth vp with waues from the deepe, and the waues of it are troubled, and the fishes thereof also before the Lord, and before the glorie of his power.
And great earthquakes shall be in diuers places, and famines, and pestilences: and fearefull sights and great signes shall there be from heauen.
And the third Angel powred out his viall vpon the riuers and fountaines of waters, & they became blood.

Fishes of the sea , foules and beastes                        Earthquakes in diverse places
             being taken away                                  331 as of 12/13/2017 in a two week period
               CLICK HERE                                                      CLICK HERE

Fearful Sights                                                            FAMINES; PESTILENCES
               CLICK HERE                                                      CLICK HERE

Blood in water worldwide                                         Human Death Count  Statistics                                
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 Sounds and Trumpets in the Sky                               False Prophets

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Evil upon the earth                                                      The way being paved for Armageddon

              CLICK HERE                                                          CLICK HERE

Tsunamies (waves arising from the deep)                    Birds of Heaven Dying

              CLICK HERE                                                          CLICK HERE

                                                  5) Revelation 16:8, King James 1611
:And the fourth Angel powred out his viall vpon the Sunne, and power was giuen vnto him to scorch men with fire.

Are we not beginning to hear all kinds of things about the sun from NASA and other agencies?  It is coming.