Ultimos Días/Ending Days

Ultimos Días/Ending Days

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Nowadays, many people want to know if all the events that have been happening around the world are part of the beginning of earth destruction, as described in the Bible:

Is it the second coming of Jesus Christ?
Is it the ending of our planet?
Is it the transition to a new era?
Is it just natural disasters without any complete destruction?

When Jesus was talking to his disciples about the end of times; he was just pointing out the beginning of pain. Many preachers have talked about a date for the earth's destruction. Since Apostle Paul's time many false preachers have come which have been saying that Christ told them the date of the destruction and showed them signs, scriptures, revelations and prophecies to share with the rest of  humankind. However, during the last 10 years the signs have often been more visible because many witnesses have been recording, talking and sharing about supernatural events which have been occurring all over the world and we have been experiencing weird natural disasters and drastic environmental changes in the world.

There are signs in the heavens, in the waters, on the land, within the animal kingdom.  But even more so, there is a wicked and evil generation of men and women upon the earth.  Children have turned against their parents, and women against men.  People are changing themselves in abominable ways. That which is correct and right has become changed.

In the world now, more than a 1/3 of all animal species are dead or in series decline.  This is occurring on the land and in the sea.

Humans are dying all over the world in large numbers.

Drought has begun in an area that was prophesied in the Bible.

There is a money crisis which has come about and is affecting the whole world.

Are we at the beginning of sorrows, the time of trouble that the Bible talks about?

And it appears the world is on the verge of World War III.  Many are turning against the Jewish people and it look like armies are gathering against the United States and Israel.

Are you ready to meet your Lord and Savior?  Yeshuah Ha' Mashiach, Jesus, Emanuel, the one who will decide if you are worthy to be in the new Earth and Heaven?

What do you need to do to be ready?  Please read our tab on how to be saved.  Do it today.  You don't know when your last day will be.