Sabbath 7/27/18 Dusk to Sabbath 7/28/18 Night

Sabbath 7/27/18 Dusk to Sabbath 7/28/18 Night

As we enter into this Sabbath of a long 2 hour Blood Red Moon, strange planetary alignments, increasing earthquakes, floods, and fires as flamethrowers we want to proclaim the Father's Mercy to all who repent, and change their ways.

We will go home shortly, with a great poverity in our spirit and our life for the blood begins to run in the street worldwide.

We submit ourselves to you Father, and ask that you remember where we are, that you would provide us the food, and covering over our heads, and clothing so that we can praise your name.

We can not praise you if we die.  We can not teach your WORD and your truth if you do not provide.  We can not walk on this earth if you destroy all before Yeshuah comes again.  See us, and have mercy our Father.  You only know the day and the time.  You only know what is good, what is right, and you alone release the evil to destroy what you have made.  There is none right, and not one perfect.  We are disgusting, horribvle, and broken people who have sinned before you and all that is HOLY.  We ask you to protect us as we go, and as we come, as we walk, as we sleep, as we eat in this thy Sabbath Day, so that we might keep your WORD and your commandments, not by fear, but because we love you.  


























Let us sing your amazing Grace



Please remember to keep the Sabbath HOLY

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